
Dekton Ultra-Compact is a sophisticated blend of the raw materials used to produce the very latest in glass and porcelain as well as the highest quality quartz work surfaces.

Dekton Ultra-Compact employs an exclusive high tech Sinterized Particle Technology process which accelerates the metamorphic change that natural stone undergoes when subjected to very high temperatures and pressures over thousands years.

In a matter of hours, the ultra-compaction process can produce a material with zero porosity, with 16 different decorative styles and three dimesional design models.

The mechanical stability properties of Dekton Ultra-Compact means that it is harder than natural granite, the color and pattern will not fade or change over time, is resistant to fire, heat and extreme cold, and can be use outdoors or indoors in any weather condition.

Performance Test
Cousins Take On Spain
DK facades cleaning 32mb
DK Dani Garcia 18mb
DK De Librije
DK Cajamar 30mb
DK Andre Chiang 17mb